► Where I've Been + Ramadhan
June 10, 2016 @ 12:50 PM
After so long of being lazy about updating this little space, I finally decided to just do it! Hehe. Alot has happened since the last post. I made new friends, got a job, graduated from poly, made my ideas come to life, got another job... Thats basically what happened.

After 3 years in poly, I finally graduated. Though it may seem very far away when I first stepped into the school, it sure didn't felt like it. It felt like I just enrolled into the school last year and got the message that I successfully got into my first choice of course in NYP. I definitely learned alot in my 3 years there. Made tons of friends, experienced new things, and had fun through out. My final year was my favourite year. I know I kept saying this but I seriously did not regret for a single moment for choosing what I chose for my specialisation. Many may say that its easy because there isn't any exams for my modules but we worked as hard as others who had exams too because assignments after assignments kept piling up. And those assignments weren't those easy ones. It takes time to produce ideas, execute, edit, and complete the whole thing. But all in all, my time in Nanyang Polytechnic was definitely a great one and I will cherish it for as long as I live :')

Alhamdulillah, we got to meet Ramadhan once again. May we be given strength to make full use of this holy month and may Allah reward all of ya'll in this blessed month. Hope it isn't too late to wish Ramadhan Mubarak! :)

Follow @justletteryn on Instagram! :D
► KL with NeckXBone
March 21, 2016 @ 10:35 PM

Definitely needed this vacation. Just need to get away from Singapore and just have fun. Though I can't travel overseas with friends (yet), I decided to tag along with my brother and his friends to Kuala Lumpur hehe. It was awkward at first but it started to get comfortable as time goes by.

We definitely went to alot of places that KL is famous for - Shell Out, Kulcats, Nasi Kandar, KLCC, Dip N Dip, Masjid India and more. It really feels good to be back in KL. I used to only go to KL to meet Sam or go to his events, but now that my reason to visit KL isn't that, it definitely feels different and sad at the same time that I didn't get to meet him. And its even more sad that I'm leaving the day he was having a Meet N Greet at a mall that is quite near from my hotel. Ahh nak nangis kejap! Hais, its okay takde rezeki. Hope he's coming down to SG soon ;)

The weather was really a challenge especially when we had to walk around Masjid India. Luckily I wore something that's slightly cooling, but I was still dripping sweats. And can I just say, Masjid India is my new favourite place in KL?! Yes, that was my first time going there. And yes, I did buy quite a few things hehehehe #happygirl94

(Photo taken by Rawandi Rahman)

(Photo taken by Rawandi Rahman)
► Twenty Two
March 12, 2016 @ 11:59 PM
Am I really 22 already? I still feel like a kid. 22, the age where you're basically an adult already. You're responsible for your own self, and not your parents no more. You don't need no consent forms. You don't need no parent's signature. You're basically old enough to make sure you don't get your butt into trouble. Wow, seriously, 22. Dang.

Really appreciate those who wished me on my birthday. From family to old friends to new friends. Alhamdulillah, ya'll da best. Last year for my 21st, I printed out the wishes that people wished me and pasted it in a notebook so I can look back and see who were the ones who wished me. I'm still thinking whether I should do the same for this year's. Just for memory sake.

There isn't any big celebration this year. Just a simple dinner and small celebration with the family at home after everyone's done with work. That is all, and I feel truly blessed. Got to catch up a little with some friends. Felt the love and good vibes around me. Thanks for all the wishes and prayers. I hope the same for ya'll too. One love :)
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Azryn, 22.
Faith & Patience.